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This was a touching short film based on the hymn, A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief. The goal was to mute the colors quite a bit, especially at the beginning so things would feel cold, stark, and unwelcoming. As things progress I opened that up a bit to try and mirror the emotion of each scene with the aesthetic feel. There's a timelapse section in the middle that was all shot at the same time of day, but I was able to create some differences in lighting to feel like different days and different times to expand the amount of time the two character's relationship develops. There were a few other tricky sections with lighting that I pulled some pretty advanced selections on. Every project has it's own quirks. Pretty happy with how it turned out. #remotecolorist #colorgrading #colorcorrection, #InspirationalShortFilm #christianfilm #apoorwayfaringmanofgreif